Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grateful Christian - First Fruits (part 2 of 3)

What is Christianity and why are first fruits important?   

How does the practice of ‘First-Fruits effect our relationship with God?  Perhaps because as Harry Emerson Fosduke expanded upon the quote from yesterday. 

“"A person completely wrapped up in himself makes a small package.  The great day comes when a man begins to get himself off his hands.  He has lived, let us say, like a man who has lived in a room that is surrounded by mirrors.  Every way he turns, he sees himself.  Now, however, some of the mirrors change to windows.  He can see through them to objective outlooks that challenge his interest.  He begins to get out of himself, no longer the prisoner of self-reflections.  But a man in a world where persons, causes, truths, and values exist worthwhile for their own sakes, thus to pass from a mirror mind to a mind with windows, is an essential element in the development of a real personality.  Without that experience no one ever achieves a meaningful life."

First Fruits not only illustrates our desire to look beyond the mirrors that makes us a small package, and give to God from a grateful heart but they are the cornerstones of living a lifestyle  that gives back to Him the first and best of what He has given us. 

First Fruits are just that, by implication ‘First’ means there is more to follow.  However, if one is more concerned about the mirrors instead of the windows and is unwilling to give their first-fruit to God, then what is the likelihood that they will follow His further instruction by continuing to read in Leviticus 23

"And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, nor shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest.  You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the LORD your God.”  Leviticus 23:22  God told His people that when you harvest your crops, do not attempt to get every kernel from every single stalk.  Essentially that's what a diligent farmer would do.  He would try to get everything he can because his livelihood and his family's would depend upon it.  Nevertheless, God says no, you will leave some of it there.  That is not being irresponsible; it is not wasting.  He said deliberately leave some of it behind.  Leave some of the grain standing in the field, for the poor and the needy, the less fortunate, could come and take what they needed.  With what He has generously given you, you could with a grateful heart help others.

First Fruits changes your mirrors into windows. 

 To be continued... 
Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence 

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