Tuesday, January 31, 2012

God Just Wants You to be Happy

“Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the Lord, and they study it day and night.  They are like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do. But evil people are not like this at all; they are like straw that the wind blows away.  Sinners will be condemned by God and kept apart from God's own people. The righteous are guided and protected by the Lord, but the evil are on the way to their doom.”  Psalms 1

If you were to examine the lists of sins in the previous two posts, you will notice that sin is usually a result of us doing what makes us feel ‘happy’.  Yet the mantra that you hear being preached to the western world is “God just wants you to be Happy” or so says the vast majority of not only secular Americans but Christian Americans as well.  The pursuit of individual happiness has begun to eclipse their obedience to the Word of God… after all, they muse, “God wants me to be happy.”  There is just one problem with that belief, ---- IT”S A LIE.  What if my own personal happiness interferes with your happiness?  Or what if doing what I want to do to make myself temporarily happy happens to violate human law, or worst yet God’s law?  If the prime purpose for your life is to be happy there would have been no reason for Jesus to come and die on the cross?   

I do not know if a study has ever been done on the matter, but what I have discovered in my life is that those same people who are busy proclaiming that God just wants you to be happy (and by you they mean themselves) that you will frequently hear these same people telling everyone that they are not as “bad, as greedy, or as selfish as you may think.   That they are a nice person.”    I have also noticed that those who I have discovered truly are genuinely a nice, generous, self –sacrificing, good person never mention it.    

There is a collation of course between the two sets of statements; the individual who speaks either of them is focused on themselves, their own desires, their own pleasures, their own rewards.  Their focus is inward and not outward.   If they are unhappy they will take matters into their own hands, and do whatever they feel like doing to give themselves that fleeting feeling of happiness.   Of course it does not last so they do it again and again and again, always focused on their own personal happiness. In their wake they leave a trail marked with greed, betrayal, immorality, pain and abuse.  But just in case you forget they will remind you that they are a ‘nice’ person, a ‘nice’ Christian.

I wonder how one of these Christians would respond if I were to tell them that what would make me happy (temporarily of course) would be to smack them in the mouth to silence them?  This, if the truth were known, would be a gentler thing than what they do to others in pursuit of their happiness.  Is that what God really wants me to do? 

I am not saying that these happiness seeking ‘Christians’ are mean, but anyone who is focused on their own personal happiness can not care about other people's well-being, they are devoid of ethics, having no empathy and no compassion beyond what serves their own selfish desires, They are corrupt people who play by their own rules, for their own gain, they are hollow inside.  But they are a ‘nice person’.    Psychologists call them Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and Narcissists; the Bible calls them evil.  

Conversely you will, if you look, realize that the most joyful people are those that exhibit the traits of being the most loving people, they are kind, caring and compassionate; ethics and integrity are byproducts of their life. They are pursuing holiness which is what God wants for each of us.   

Pursue Happiness and you will receive the byproduct of it... doom.  Pursue holiness, and you will receive the byproduct of it…. Joyfulness.  The choice is yours.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A list of Sins (Sins of Omission)

 "He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, Even his prayer is an abomination." Proverbs 28:9

So you somehow have convinced yourself that you are not guilty of any sins of commission (Really??), but just for good measure how are you doing with the sins of omission?  Again God is not asking your opinion on this.  As smart, as religious, as important as you may think that you are,  God does not care about what you feel, or think; this is not a discussion.   

God declares that these are sins against Him.  If you don’t agree, if you have “buts”, if you have “tolerance”, if you are politically correct,  you need to get this one idea not only though your brain but your Heart.   You do not get to decide what a Sin is, You do not get to decide what is right and wrong, nor do you get to decide if you are forgiven (even if you have forgiven yourself), and God is not interested in your opinion on the subject.  You will either repent and receive grace, or you will receive what you deserve. YOU ARE NOT GOD.  
Just a short list of Sins of Ommission (all of which have numerous verse references)

Not Forgiving (Matthew 6:15)
Failing to honor others (Romans 12:9)
Failing to keep your Fervor (Romans 12:9)
Failing to serve or give (Romans 12:9)
Failing to live at peace (Romans 12:18)
Failing to love God (Mark 12:30)
Failing to love your neighbor (Mark 12:31)
Failing to trust God (Isaiah 26:4)
Failing to trust Christ (John 14:1)
Failing to worship God (Deuteronomy 6:13)
Failing to honor God (John 5:23)
Failing to honor the Son (John 5:23)
Failing to believe in Jesus (John 3:16-18)
Failing to honor one’s parents (Exodus 20:12)
Failing to give thanks to God (Romans 1:21)
Failing to glorify God (Romans 1:21)
Failing to fear the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:13)
Failing to test new teachings by Scripture (Acts 17:11)
Failing to discern and guard against false teachers and prophets (Matthew 7:15-20)
Failing to learn and believe Scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)
Failing to guard life and doctrine (1 Timothy 4:16)
Failing to repay debts (Romans 13:7)
Failing to care for orphans and widows in distress (James 1:20)
Failing to defend the faith (1 Peter 3:15)
Failing to share the gospel (Matthew 28:19)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A list of Sins (Sins of Commission)

God is not asking your opinion  on this.  As smart, as religious, as important as you may think that you are,  God does not care about what you feel, or think; this is not a discussion.   

God declares that these are sins against Him.  If you don’t agree, if you have “buts”, if you have “tolerance”, if you are politically correct,  you need to get this one idea not only though your brain but your Heart.   You do not get to decide what a Sin is, You do not get to decide what is right and wrong, nor do you get to decide if you are forgiven (even if you have forgiven yourself), and God is not interested in your opinion on the subject.  You will either repent and receive grace, or you will receive what you deserve. YOU ARE NOT GOD.  

Just a word of caution, a word of truth - "He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, Even his prayer is an abomination." Proverbs 28:9

Just a short list of Sins of Commission (all of which have numerous verse references)
Wrong Teaching (Matthew 23:15)
Insincere love (Romans 12:9)
Causing someone else to sin (Mark 9:42)
Fornication (Romans 1:24)
Adultery (Exodus 20:14 and many- many - many more)
Homosexuality (Romans 1:24 and many – many- many more)
Greed (Romans 1:29)
Blasphemy (Mark 3:29)
Misusing the Lord’s name (Exodus 20:7)
Selfish Ambition (Galatians 5:20)
Fits of rage (Galatians 5:20)
Slave Trading (1 Timothy 1:10)
Lying (Exodus 23:1)
Hypocrisy (1 Peter2:1)
Drunkenness (1 Corinthians 6:10)
Sorcery (Deuteronomy 18:10)
Witchcraft (Deuteronomy 18:10)
Divination (Deuteronomy 18:10)
Interpreting Omens (Deuteronomy 18:10)
Consulting the dead (Deuteronomy 18:11)
Astrology (Isaiah 47:13-14)
Depravity (Romans 1:29)
Envy (Romans 1:29)
Deceit (1 Peter 2:1)
Murder (Romans 1:29)
Strife (Romans 1:29)
Malice (1 Peter 2:1)
Gossip (Romans 1:29)
Slander (Romans 1:30)
Hating God (Romans 1:30)
Insolence (Romans 1:30)
Arrogance (Romans 1:30)
Boastful (Romans 1:30)
Inventing evil (Romans 1:30)
Disobeying parents (Romans 1:30)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Forgotten God (when Christians fail)

Today's posting is a personal one and I write this because when writing  on the subject matters that I write, it is easy to pretend that I do not commit the very sins I hammer away at; that I am somehow better, holier, or more developed than those of you who read my writings.  When in truth, I am simply a man trying and failing at being the man that God wants me to be.  Which is the exact reason Jesus died for me.

Tonight was my weekly Bible study, we are beginning a new study on the Holy Spirit (Forgotten God, by Francis Chan), which I have been looking forward to; it is a subject that intrigues me and that I wanted to throw myself into.   However, I had previously mistaken the date that I was to pick a friend up from the airport (it was today and not tomorrow), but being a man of my word, I was there to pick them up and drop them safely off at their hotel.   All of this put me behind schedule so  I was running late when I arrived at the Bible study, I was thankful that the leader had delayed starting the group until I managed to squeeze in a ½ hour late.   

There was one chair left empty and as I took it I noticed that the person sitting next to me was new. I then remembered that I had earlier in the week received a phone call from a woman who was asking about where she  go to attend a bible study, and I had recommended this one, because of the people in it and because of the new subject matter we were undertaking.   The leader for tonight had everyone introduce themselves and tell just a pinch about who they were, when it got to me, I said my name and then simply said ‘I am the one who stirs the pot’ (Which is true, I am the one who will challenge you on your feelings, your beliefs, your actions, always testing...) 

After introductions a short DVD was played and during it I noticed that the new woman was tearing up.  It was taking every bit of self control she had to not break down and begin to cry.  I reached over and asked her if she was alright, to which she gave me a brief explanation as to why she was emotional.  My response was to tell her that I would talk to her later, that I may be able to help her after the Bible study.  The DVD continued to play and as it was finishing up Francis Chan mentioned that we should keep ourselves open to the Holy Spirit interrupting what we had planned, to be open to the idea that perhaps God had something else planned for us, that it may not be the Holy Spirits desire that we finish this study right now.  I nodded my head in agreement

Shortly after the DVD was over she had to leave (we started late - remember).  As she was leaving, the leader of our Bible study walked her to the door and was briefly visiting with her as I approached to touch base with her.  It was obvious that she was troubled, and that she needed to talk, but just did not have any more time tonight.  I gave her my phone number and told her to call, and I would be glad to sit down and listen.   She said she would.  With that she left.

Tonight I failed!  Tonight I was so rushed, so self-absorbed, so self-focused, so self-centered, so self concerned about what I wanted to get out of tonight’s bible study that I missed the obvious.  Tonight I was there to step into the gap, tonight I was to do - rather then listen.  Tonight God had brought a hurting individual to the chair next to me; tonight God had brought someone who I am uniquely qualified to help to my very side.  Tonight, the Holy Spirit wanted me to be open to the idea of not starting the study tonight.  Tonight I failed.  

We all fail, and when we do we can view it in one of two ways.  The first, which is the easiest and by far the most popular, is to say that we are thankful that the Holy Spirit has convicted us of our missed opportunity and that we have learned from it; in other words we pat ourselves on the back for being aware of the fact that we did nothing.  The other way is to let the conviction penetrate your very soul, to acknowledge that you failed, that it was your sin that caused you to fail, and to not let yourself off the hook with being alright with the fact that you did nothing when you were asked to do something.  To ask for a second chance and mean it.  

It is my heartfelt prayer that I am given another opportunity to step forward into the gap, instead of standing still.   I know that God’s plan for this woman will not be altered by my failure to do what He wanted me to do, I might be given another opportunity, or God will simply send someone else to do what I did not. 

Tonight I forgot God, I was busy thinking about me.  Tonight I failed, but with the Holy Spirit's help, I will do better tomorrow.  

God calls us to step into the gap regardless of what we planned or want.  We are not just blessed, we are called to be a blessing.  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Easiest Place for Satan to Hide.

So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.
—Hebrews 2:1

You know them, that person who goes to church on Sunday, smiles, listens intently to what the minister says, sings the songs, maybe even serves in the nursery, hospitality or some other area of the church.  But then they go home, back to their life of SIN, they continue the adulterous relationship, the backstabbing at work, ‘shacking up’, betraying their family by seeking a divorce, shoplifting from the local grocery store, slandering their neighbor, the church is full of them… you know the Christian, who ‘feels’ forgiven without repenting, who ’feels’ God love, believes but does not follow.   Those who think that simply going to church and going through a little ritual will bring them closer to God are in for a big surprise.  Because the easiest place to get a hardened heart is in the church. It is the easiest place in the world for Satan to hide those who he has a firm grasp on.  As I have said before, the same sun that softens the wax hardens the clay.

As the Word of God goes out, some people are impacted by it, some people are changed by it, and others are hardened by it, because they have no intention of believing it or they believe it, but refuse to follow it.  Continual exposure to God's Word is actually doing more harm than good and in the very place where they could be transformed; they will be worse off than ever. You know them.

Am I saying that some people shouldn't go to church?  Yes . . . if they have no intention of applying what they are hearing.  We can see miracles and hear truth, but if we don't have a desire to apply it, then our hearts will get hardened. You know them.

Someone who is living a double life like Judas Iscariot will experience an increasingly hardened heart. Judas walked and talked with Jesus for three-and-a-half years.  He was hand-chosen by the Lord.  He had heard Christ give His greatest sermons.  Judas heard the Sermon on the Mount and the Olivet Discourse with his own ears.  He saw Lazarus rise from the dead. He saw blind men receive their sight.  He saw deaf men receive their hearing.  Judas saw miracle after miracle, yet his heart grew harder. You know them, those just like Judas.

And even though Jesus knew what would take place, Judas, of his own volition, deliberately betrayed the Lord, reminding us that the foreknowledge of God does not change the responsibility of man.  You know them.  

So the answer is not to stop going to church; it is to go with a desire to know God.

You know them; in fact one of them may be the very one who stares back at you in the mirror every morning – the 'Judases'

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Five points of Christianity

You have Christianity wrong if do not understand and have not internalized these 5 points.
                        1.    God can not be Loving -  without being Just 
2.    There is no forgiveness without repentance.
3.    There is no salvation without surrender.
                        4.    There is no life without death.
5.    There is no believing without following.

Most who fill our churches today want the benefits of Jesus, but are not interested in the sacrifices; they want Heaven but are unwilling to bear the cross.  They want a free ride.  We memorize John 3:16, but ignore John 9:23

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.   John 3:16

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.  John 9:23

Are you doing it His way?  Or have you put a whole new spin on it - “if it feels good do it” otherwise know as doing it your way; and one day when you kneel before God is it your plan to simply proclaim “But I was just doing what made me happy.” 

Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus issued a compelling and challenging invitation: “Follow Me.”   John 6 tells of Jesus at the height of His popularity, feeding 5,000 men plus women and children (to put that in context: this crowd was nearly as large as was the capacity of the largest theaters in the major cities of that time), afterwards knowing their hearts He left to cross to the other side of Lake Capernaum, the crowd followed not because of who He was, but because they wanted free food. On the other side, Jesus delivered hard words to the crowd and to the disciples - after which “From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.John 6:66    

Jesus did not chase after them, Jesus did not try to appease them with entertainment, trinkets or donuts and ice cream, Jesus did not try to please the majority, Jesus did not make his teachings softer, in fact Jesus ratcheted up his teachings.  Jesus came to sift the wheat from the chafe.   Jesus is NOT looking for fans... He's looking for followers.

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either one or the other!   So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot  nor  cold —I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Revelation 3:14-16

Are you a Christian? Or just one of the many fans who are okay with following Jesus when it is easy - when it feels good, or when you want to be forgiven (without actually repenting) all of which sounds like free food to me; but are unwilling to press on in difficult times, to do what God says to do, instead of what you want to do; unwilling to internalize:

                        1.    God can not be Loving -  without being Just 
2.    There is no forgiveness without repentance.
3.    There is no salvation without surrender.
                   4.    There is no life without death.
5.    There is no believing without following.

It's time to decide if you are okay with being lukewarm